Death By A Thousand Cuts: The Irish Farmers Struggle
Recommended $50.00
Help us fund Death by 1000 Cuts, a documentary about the Irish farmers struggle. It’s imperative this film gets out as soon as possible to raise awareness.
Target: $23,500
Reached so far: $7,350
TheĀ livelihood of the Irish farmers are under threat. Increasing regulations that complicate their business, raise costs and reduce their income.
Upon hearing calls from the Irish government to cull 200,000 cattle after just finishing the film on the Dutch farmer struggle, I decided to go Ireland to get to the bottom of the story.
I discovered that a malaise of increasing regulations and environmental projects indebt the country and infringing upon the property rights of the Irish. Globally, we are seeing the rising trend of “environment” or “sustainability”, the powers of financial capital push schemes that restrict property rights and human freedom. The coordination of the regulatory state internationally is causing the wealth of the planet to be consolidated into fewer and fewer hands and people are being pushed off their ancestral lands.
This film captures this Death By a Thousand Cuts of the Irish farmers.
Help make this film possible by gifting today.