STOP IT! The Great Taking Film
Recommended $50.00
The financial services industry has been using everyone’s stocks and bonds as collateral on financial bets, and from it leveraged a 2 quadrillion dollar derivatives market. When the derivatives market implodes, there is a legal structure in place for the secured creditors of the derivatives contracts, to sweep everyone’s stocks and bonds as collateral.
I am working with David Webb, author of The Great Taking, to produce a feature length documentary film about the subject of his book.
Please support the production of this film to help expose and communicate the hard reality of this enormous threat to all the securities world wide. For the first time in history, humanity has the real prospect of overcoming divide-and-rule. This can be done by spreading awareness that we are all in this together, globally, all the way to the top of the system!
This is not a “right” or “left” issue, but one of property rights, all of our property rights, to our own financial assets.
This film will help people to see the BIG PICTURE!
STOP IT! THE GREAT TAKING documents unprecedented legislative efforts at the state level in the United States. In 2024, bills to restore priority to investors to their stocks and bonds in the event of failures in the financial system were introduced in South Dakota and in Tennessee.
This unique film follows the legislators, the hearings and the testimonies on the bills to amend the Uniform Commercial Code and restore property rights to financial securities.
Please donate to the production of this film. Thank you