The Pfizer Trials Were a Fraud | Brook Jackson
In this exclusive interview with Brook Jackson, we learn how the trial that underpinned the FDA approval of Pfizer’s Covid jab was improperly done. Brook Jackson worked for Ventavia, a research organization that Pfizer contracted with to conduct the clinical trials. Brook observed fraud and other conduct that invalidated her comapny’s portion of the trial. She complained to Ventavia, Pfizer and the FDA and was promptly fired within ten days.
Watch this interview to learn what she saw. To get the whole story, watch this interview along with our subsequent interviews we shot with pharmaceutical clinical trial experts Christine Cotton and Sasha Latypova!
Brook Jackson sued the government for purchasing the vaccines when the FDA approval shouldn’t have been granted because the protocols of the trials were not properly followed.
Brook‘s case was recently dismissed. What are they trying to hide?
The portion of the trial that Brook oversaw was large enough to invalidate the entire FDA approval of the Pfizer jab.
Hear the first part of the story, where Brook Jackson blows the whistle that something was seriously wrong with these trails to the point of total invalidation. Were they actually “mock trials” as Katherine Watt suggests?
(As a side note, most of the cases that made up the clinical trial were performedin Argentina. One participant was an Argentine lawyer. He was injured and requested his medical records from Pfizer. The Argentine military responded that his medical records were classified as national security. This peaked his suspicions and he searched for and obtained the contract between the Argentine military and Pfizer for the jabs and subsequently faced harassment from the intelligence services.)

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