CBDC: The End of Money
Recommended $50.00
CBDC: The End of Money, a feature length documentary on CBDCs, the origins of Bitcoin and the tokenization of all assets worldwide, is now available at CBDCTheEndofMoney.com for $7.99!
Central Bank Digital Currencies are being pushed worldwide by central banks and governments.
Are we witnessing the natural evolution of money in the digital age, as many say, or does this innovation represent more of a system of controlling people rather than a new form of money?
Does the public benefit from having their every transaction monitored? Is the innovation of “programmable money” a good thing? If money transforms into a programmable indelible ledger, micromanaged by centralized institutions on the planet, can it truly be considered money?
Please donate to the production of this important film.
Running time is 1 hour and 12 minutes.
Target: $85,000
Reached so far: $76,650
CBDC: The End of Money, a feature length documentary on CBDCs, the origins of Bitcoin and the tokenization of all assets worldwide, is now available at CBDCTheEndofMoney.com for $7.99!
Central Bank Digital Currencies are being pushed worldwide by central banks and governments.
Are we witnessing the natural evolution of money into a fully digital form? Or is this new payment platform a dystopian system of control being foisted over the people of the world? Does the public benefit from having their every transaction monitored? Is the innovation of “programmable money” a good the benefits us or does it only serve the institutions that operate the network at the expense of the users? If money transforms into a programmable indelible ledger, micromanaged by the most powerful banking institutions on the planet, can it truly be considered money, or is it just a means of controlling people?
Does the global implementation of CBDCs represent a digression money into a system of social control exerted upon the global population akin to the social credit system of China.
The film, CBDC: The End of Money asks these questions and offers answers and solutions to this looming problem. We spoke with Canadian truckers who descended upon Ottawa, the capitol of Canada, to demand their rights restored after over almost two years of harsh lockdowns. Three weeks later the government froze the accounts of 280 truckers, participants and donors to the Freedom Convoy.
CBDC: The End of Money is an in depth inquiry into the meaning of money, where we are headed if the central banks get their way and what alternatives we have to make a more free and financially inclusive world.
Please donate to help produce this important film.