NITROGEN 2000 BULGARIAN "Азот 2000" е 45-минутен документален филм за борбата на холандските фермери през 2019-23 г.
70% от територията на Нидерландия е собственост на дребни животновъди, а от 2019 г. холандското правителство настоява за принудително изкупуване на 50%...
SILENT INFERTILITY | Trailer Women around the world are experiencing massive menstrual problem after taking the vaccination. This is a huge story that many are afraid to tell. Big Picture heard of a group of women in France called Where is my Period and decided to produce a 3...
Nitrogen 2000: The Dutch Farmers' Struggle | Trailer
Nitrogen 2000: The Dutch Farmers' Struggle | Trailer Nitrogen 2000 is a 30 minute documentary being released in the winter of 2022 about the struggle of the dutch cattle farmers to keep their land. The Dutch government is seeking to regulate them out of existence using the argument that their Nitrog...
NITROGEN 2000 | The Dutch Farmers' Struggle
NITROGEN 2000 | The Dutch Farmers' Struggle Nitrogen 2000 is a 45 minute documentary on the Dutch Farmer struggle of 2019-23.
70% of Holland is owned by small cattle farmers and since 2019, the Dutch government has been advocating a 50% forced buy out of their land. This amounts to a nat...
Nitrogen 2000 est un documentaire de 45 minutes sur la lutte des agriculteurs néerlandais de 2019 à 23.
70 % du territoire hollandais appartient à de petits éleveurs de bétail et, depuis 201...
NITROGEN 2000 | Boj nizozemských zemědělců | ČESKY
NITROGEN 2000 | Boj nizozemských zemědělců | ČESKY Nitrogen 2000 je 45minutový dokumentární film o boji nizozemských zemědělců v letech 2019-23.
70 % Holandska vlastní drobní chovatelé dobytka a od roku 2019 nizozemská vláda prosazuje nucený výkup 50 % jejich půdy. To se rovná znárodnění třetin...
NITROGEN 2000 La lucha de los agricultores neerlandeses | ESPAÑIOL
NITROGEN 2000 La lucha de los agricultores neerlandeses | ESPAÑIOL Nitrógeno 2000 es un documental de 45 minutos sobre la lucha de los agricultores holandeses de 2019-23.
El 70% de Holanda es propiedad de pequeños ganaderos y desde 2019, el gobierno holandés aboga por una compra forzosa del 50% de sus tierras....
Planet Lockdown: A Documentary | English
Planet Lockdown: A Documentary | English Planet Lockdown is a documentary on the situation the world finds itself in. We spoke to some of the brightest and bravest minds in the world including epidemiologists, scientists, doctors, lawyers, protesters a statesman and a prince. These brave...
NITROGEN 2000: De strijd van de Nederlandse boeren | NEDERLANDS
NITROGEN 2000: De strijd van de Nederlandse boeren | NEDERLANDS Stikstof 2000 is een 45 minuten durende documentaire film over de strijd van Nederlandse boeren van 2019-23.
70% van het Nederlandse land is in handen van kleine veehouders en sinds 2019 is de Nederlandse regering voorstander van een onteigenin...
NITROGEN 2000 | Der Kampf der niederländischen Landwirte | DEUTSCH
NITROGEN 2000 | Der Kampf der niederländischen Landwirte | DEUTSCH Nitrogen 2000 ist ein 45-minütiger Dokumentarfilm über den Kampf der niederländischen Landwirte von 2019-23.
70 % der Fläche Hollands gehört kleinen Viehzüchtern, und seit 2019 befürwortet die holländische Regierung einen 50%igen Zwangsaufkauf...
NITROGEN 2000: Walka holenderskich rolników | POLSKA
NITROGEN 2000: Walka holenderskich rolników | POLSKA Nitrogen 2000 to 45-minutowy film dokumentalny o zmaganiach holenderskich rolników w latach 2019-23.
70% holenderskiej ziemi jest własnością drobnych hodowców, a od 2019 r. holenderski rząd opowiada się za przymusowym wykupem 50% ich ziemi. By...
Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda
Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda This is the documentary shot in Kenya about the WHO Tetanus campaign in 2014 where a neonatal tetanus campaign suspiciously target only birthing age women between 15 and 45 years old (when tetanus is more commonly found in men). It was discoved th...
The Ingraham Angle on Dutch Farmers, NITROGEN 2000 film
The Ingraham Angle on Dutch Farmers, NITROGEN 2000 film The March 6th 2023 segment on the NITROGEN 2000 film on Laura Ingraham show.
The Ingraham Angle on Dutch Farmers, NITROGEN 2000 film
The March 6th 2023 segment on the NITROGEN 2000 film on Laura Ingraham show.